Red Oblivion

September 25 - November 13, 2021
Plush Gallery, Dallas, TX

Red Oblivion explores psychological caves and their mouths as self-portraiture. As a survivor of abuse, Narong Tintamusik remained silent about the events that occurred for more than 14 years. The prolonged mental isolation was self imposed out of fear, guilt, and shame. These caves and their openings are sites of protection and hiding. They are also places of deprivation and desolation. The ability to remain in light slowly dim as one remains in these dark crevices of the mind for too long. They quietly devour us as shadows become our only company. Adaptation and comfort to the abyss is born out of necessity. What remains is only the last shimmer of hope inside. To see an end of this cycle of trauma. To be outside and truly see the warmth of the sun. This nothingness will be something for once.


Members Show (2021)


They Die Only to be Reborn Again (2021)